I get great ideas which I forget to write down. Trouble is I think they are so profound that I'll be unlikely to forget what they are and that i'll be able to hold the thoughts until I have a chance to write them somewhere - of course I do forget. I never learn though - I never think: okay, I'll forget this so I'll not kid myself that this time I wont. I could carry some paper and a pen, or a recorder...and sometimes I remember to - but I need batteries for the recorder and I carry far too much in my bag to find my note pad and pen, especially in the middle of Sainsburys . So far this week, two good ideas have vaporised and become nothing more than mind steam.
Talking about about ideas...have you ever found that if people have an idea of you, it will stick no matter what you do? Worse, what if your idea of yourself is one big illusion and the reality is, you fit more into those people's idea of you, than you do your own?
Self work is not easy and although I have done plenty of it, for over 20 years - its only after reading Guy Finley's book "The Secret of Letting Go" that I am truly beginning to see the reality of myself and of other's too. Just by reading Guy's books, I can feel something changing inside of me...as though a seed is beginning to grow and the weeds are starting to wilt. Its a bit of a journey and not always pleasant...but I would urge anyone who wants to feel at peace with life, to read his books.
You may want to begin with Eckhart Tolle's book "The Power of Now" and perhaps watch a few of his you tube recordings. I continue to learn and hope I can change some things I now know about myself...things that are not bad, but perhaps do not serve me well.
Remember - things are not always what they seem. For example I woke up one day, late into summer to see the below on my heather - it seemed like mist. Later I went out to take a closer look and found no mist - what I saw was a series of intricate webs spun by a small brown spider. Here is a picture showing my first impression and below this picture is a close up of the webs:
Close up of the webs: