Saturday, 30 June 2012



Anyone from the UK will, I think, agree with me that summer so far, has been a complete wash out. On the other hand, I have enjoyed not suffering those hot, airless days we had last year. Warm and balmy will do...and a chance to wear some loose, flimsy clothes.

Life and Moments

I've made some magnificent discoveries of late. For example, I have noticed that my stresses seem to use my body as a playground and I can tell you, its having a ball right now.

I have also noticed that what we believe about ourselves, seems to become the truth for us. So if we feel old, we are old. 

It may be that our earlier life had some measure of influence on where we are now, but, is it where we are now and the relationships and scenarios we choose to place ourselves in that effect most, if not all of our current moments?

John Simpson (67 and my hero) as most people know, spends his life flying around the globe, reporting from the most difficult war zones. He is on the move, he says, about 5 times or so a week and he still appears to be brimming with energy and enthusiasm for life. 

Anyone who watched BBC's "When I get Older" will have seen John sharing the home of a rather eccentric, older lady for a few days. The lady spent every evening watching TV and John was televised sitting with her. We saw shots of him dozing and looking as though his usual zest had been squeezed out of him. If this happened to him in just a few days and nights, imagine him living like that permanently. Could this be a form of projective identification? 

Imagining myself living with John Simpson has me wondering if I would start to feel more energized and alive?